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Managing Section Definitions in JunoViewer Web Messages in this topic - RSS

Fritz Jooste
Fritz Jooste
Posts: 81

Fritz Jooste
Fritz Jooste
Posts: 81
This topic discusses the management of Section Definitions in JunoViewer Web. Before you start, please make sure you understand the Key definitions of networks, sections, etc.

Each network in your JunoViewer database must have a list of Sections defined for it. Your sections list is like a table of contents for your network that allows you to select a specific road when viewing reports or performing analyses. In JunoViewer Web, your network data tables (e.g. rutting, roughness, bridge condition) is NOT formally linked to the list of sections for each network. So if you replace the list of sections for a network, or modify the definitions of segments, your raw data will remain untouched. All that happens when you modify section definitions is that users will be presented with a different set of names when selecting a road to view in a report window, etc.

Having said that, it is expected that your section data will remain in line with the location information for data pertaining to each section. Thus if the section with ID = 1234 goes from meter 0 to meter 5765, then your data for sectionID = 1234 should have location values that are roughly located within 5765. JunoViewer Web assumes the network asset manager takes responsibility for managing section definitions, and therefore does NOT enforce integrity between section limits and the data within raw data tables.

To view and manage Section Definitions for your networks, do to the Manage menu, and select Sections. The Section Definitions page will open:

Normally, there are two key tasks an Asset Manager may want to do on this page:

  • Export the list of sections for viewing and editing, or
  • Import a new list of Sections (i.e. replace the current list of Sections with a new definitions list).

Please have a look at this post to learn more about how to best define your network sections.

edited by Thomas on 9/29/2022

edited by Rashel on 9/29/2022
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