HomeViews and Reports

This section contains information on the standard views and reports within JunoViewer Web

Section and Segment Analysis Messages in this topic - RSS

Kiki Wagner
Kiki Wagner
Posts: 33

Kiki Wagner
Kiki Wagner
Posts: 33
The Section Analysis and Segment Analysis pages, under the Anaylse menu, allows you to analyse data for a specific section or segment of your network by way of pre-made reports. The below table has a brief explanation on how these two pages differ:

The two pages utilise the same report setups, which are managed by your Administrator users via the Edit XML Setup page (more on this below).

The steps and images below contain more information on the pages.

Section Analysis

1. Click the Select Location button and select the network, section, and location for which you want to generate a report for.
2. Select from the list of available reports and click the Generate Report button
3. You can format the reports by selecting the blue settings icon, enabling you to update the font style and sizes.
4. To copy the report into your own external document (e.g. Word, Excel) simply right-click on the report and copy, then paste in your document.

Segment Analysis

1. When first opening the page you can select the Network and FWP in which you want to view segments. (You can also click the Select FWP Set button from within the page to select a different Network and FWP.)
2. Select the report to view from the list of available reports.
3. Search for and select a segment from your FWP (listed by Area Name) and the selected report will generate automatically.
4. The format and copy/paste functionality is the same as on the Section Analysis page.


As mentioned above, the types of report available in the Section and Segment Analysis pages vary by account and can be customised by an Account administrator via the Edit XML Setup page.

These reports include:
  • Accident Analysis
  • Maintenance Analysis
  • Parameter Analysis
  • Multiple Trend Analysis
  • SCRIM Analysis

See below for more details on each report and please contact Lonrix Support if you would like one added to your account or to discuss creating a new report.

Accident Analysis

Maintenance Analysis

  • *For example, referring to the image below, if the percentage was set to 100, only Action 4 would be included in the results because it wholly (i.e. 100%) covers the selected segment. If the percentage was set to 75, Actions 3 and 4 would be included. By default the percentage is set to 1 so that all overlapping actions are included in the results (however not the full cost of those actions, see the next point).

  • Costs will be scaled based on the percentage overlap that each maintenance action has with the segment. This means that if a maintenance action lies fully within a segment, then the full cost is added. However, if a maintenance action is longer than the segment or if it only overlaps partly with a segment, then the cost is scaled based on the percentage overlap relative to the full length of the maintenance action.

Parameter Analysis

Multiple Trend Analysis

SCRIM Analysis

edited by Kiki on 9/29/2022
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