Kiki Wagner Administrator Posts: 33
Kiki WagnerAdministrator Posts: 33
Treatment Lifecycle help post
The treatment lifecycle functionality will provide Fulton Hogan JunoViewer users with the ability to track a site/project from conception to completion to post-construction monitoring. This functionality will enable risk profiles, principal agreement and QA information all in the same place and eliminate information duplication. A high-level summary of the functionality’s main features include: - Updating of each site/project with a status depending on where it is in the life cycle by the users.
- Each status has specific requirements as to the supporting documentation required for the status to be updated. For example, a site cannot be marked as Completed until As Built drawings and other related documents are uploaded to the site.
- The functionality can be accessed via a pull-out in the Virtual FIT which will provide a summary of the site and link to a separate management page.
- Users are able to colour sites within JunoViewer (e.g. in Strip Maps and Map View) based on the site status.
This functionality can be accessed through the Fulton Hogan customised menu item > Treatment Lifecycle.
The treatment management page has the site selected on the left and site overview with lifecycle details on the right.
To see the Treatment Lifecycle details on the right side of the screen, a user needs to select the network, section and one of the sites in the left side of the screen. The section field enables the user to search by section name. If multiple treatments are selected, the information pop-up on the right will remain disabled.
In the list of treatments on the left, each treatment has a treatmentID, sectionName, location, lane, year, treatment and phase allocated to it. Each site has a phase allocated to it, based on where the site is in the treatment lifecycle and have certain business rules that need to be satisfied for the phase to be complete. When a phase is complete based on business rules, it will show as green. If a phase is partway through, orange.\
Bulk Phase updates At the bottom of the page, a user could do a bulk upload of phases by selecting multiple sites and clicking on Bulk Update Phase, selecting the phase and save.
Uploading bulk files Next to the bulk uploading of phases, there is a pop-up to upload files in bulk as well.
The user has 2 options for uploading bulk files that can be selected at the top of the Upload Files popup window 1. Upload files to selected treatments. This feature will upload the file/s against all selected projects, saving the same file ID against multiple projects 2. Upload files to treatments based on file name: This feature only considers the network selected on the Management page but ignores any treatment selection in the grid, enabling users to upload files against any projects in that network using a special file name convention:
- D & TreatmentID & _Any other user defined description e.g. ID3498_NPV.xlsx
- If one or more of the selected files contains an ID which is not linked to the selected network, the user will get the following message:
One file: " The Treatment ID in the file name '[File Name]' is not found in the selected network. "with OK button.
Multiple files: " The Treatment IDs in the following file names are not found in the selected network: [File Name] [File Name] [File Name] [File Name]" with Ok button.
Treatment Lifecycle information of selected site:
At the top of the treatment lifecycle information section, the selected section with allocated treatment will appear. A new phase could be allocated to the selected section on the top right and there are 3 information tabs available to access through this window:
1. Overview tab - The overview tab will show which phases have been complete and in which phase the treatment currently sits. You have the option in the Design and PCDA phases to open the drop down which will open a risk assessment. The PCDA dropdown list can look at the PCDA parameters in detail which is linked to this functionality.
The risk assessment has a list of all your risk parameters in the left column which you can allocate a risk status and risk reason to as well as a comment and once agreed with the client can be accepted and save your changes.
The 5 Treatment lifecycle phases are:
- Proposed: Sites in the current or next NLTP
- Design: Site agreed and within next 2 years
- Approved for Construction: Design completed and agreed with customer
- PCDAR: Site construction completed and PCDAR monitoring under way
- Closed: PCDAR completed
The following phase rules outlines the requirements necessary for a specific treatment in a selected site to move to the next phase:
2. Files Tab - This tab is for uploading and viewing files. There are multiple options to filter on the Phase, Name, Category etc. if you have many files available.
Open the Upload Files pop-up, select the files to upload and select the phase, category and type. The files that are currently loaded against the selected site will appear in the grid and can be filtered by phase when clicked on the phase dropdown. Files can be selected and deleted as well as downloaded from this tab.
Once a file is uploaded, the files will not be managed by users on a granular lever, but will be using the broader JunoViewer permissions (Administrator, Data Manager, etc)
3. Photos tab - this tab for uploading and viewing photos
The photos associated with a selected site, or sites will show on the right
Adding Photos
- The Photo Logger (in the JunoViewer App) have tags for the different design phases (Proposed, Design, Approved for Construction, PCDAR and Closed.) The photos that are tagged with one of the phases, will be displayed in the management page against that site and phase.
- Uploading photos via the Photo Viewer page.
Comments: The Site comments are pulled over from the FWP Site comments. Virtual FIT – Treatment Lifecycle pullout
To enable the treatment lifecycle pullout, select a treatment length on the FWP or completed project strip on the Stripmap. The pullout will display the selected site’s information at the top and the user can select the overview, files and photos tabs to look at the current phase, uploaded files and photos against the selected site. All information in the pull-out is view-only, with all editing carried out on the Management page (via the Go To Lifecycle Management button). Under the PCDAR phase, click on “Go to PCDAR” button to redirect to the PCDAR pull-out, and the same with Treatment Justification.
Linkage to Existing Features Justification Reports will be generated in JunoViewer and downloaded to the user’s computer as per the current process, then reimported into the Management module. The Review section of the PCDAR page will be available to view within Management module. All other PCDAR Review functionality will remain as it currently is.
edited by Kiki on 10/11/2024