Kiki Wagner Administrator Posts: 33
Kiki WagnerAdministrator Posts: 33
Analyse and FWP Summary
The pull-outs (activated by clicking the icons on the right-hand side) enable you to further analyse the selected treatment length(s). Select a treatment length and open the pull-outs to view (from top to bottom):
The Trend Report enables you to view the change in four selected parameters and statistic sets (via the cog icon in the top left of the pull-out), e.g., Naasra, Rut in LWP, Texture in Lane, and Below IL. in data distribution over time for the section selected in the Virtual FIT view

Scatter Graphs: Similar to Trend pull-out settings, but select four parameters and lanes to view, e.g., Naasra in L1, Naasra in R1, Rut in L1, Rut in R1.

Frequency graph: Select one parameter to view. The frequency graph plots the nr of occurrences that the parameter has its possible values. The Y-axis represents the frequency count, while the X-axis represents the parameter.

Surfacing History graph: A history of surfacing for the selected treatment length(s) (between the solid red lines) and 250m either side of the selected (between the dotted red lines).

Crashes: View crashes for 250m either side of the selected treatment length (s) based on the number of years you select.

Maintenance: View maintenance records for the selected treatment length (s) based on the date range and cost groups you select: Drainage (DR), Surfacing (SU), Pavement (PA), and Shoulder (SH). No selected cost groups will show the same as all selected cost groups

Field Comments: Comments made in the pull-outs are saved to the location on the network, rather than to a specific FWP. Past comments made against the same location can be viewed, e.g. RAPT comments made in previous drive over.

Information: The Treatment Information pop-up shows a quick summary of asset, condition, and maintenance information for the selected treatment length (s)

FWP Breakdown: Enables you to summarise your FWP based on the setup that you select for your Row and Column. Select your FWP length and area field as well as a start and end year to view a summary by lane length, Area or Cost (the whole FWP for your network, not just the current treatment length or section)

* Only information columns with fewer than 30 distinct values can be summarised, and the same column cannot be selected for both row and column.
Maintenance graphs: View 10 years’ maintenance data in several graphs (Cost by Year, Actions by Year, Cost by Activity, Actions by Activity) for the selected cost groups

edited by Kiki on 6/15/2023