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Philip van der Wel
Philip van der Wel
Posts: 145

Philip van der Wel
Philip van der Wel
Posts: 145
The Placeholders worksheet in the Deterioration Model Setup (DMS) file contains the placeholders that are automatically calculated by JunoViewer Web and that you can use in your model equations. For example, the placeholder values set for “Years Since Treatment” and “Previous Treatment” can be used in your Treatment Trigger equations to determine if a specific treatment should be considered if the last treatment was a rehabilitation to be constructed only ten years ago.

The sheet includes of the following placeholders:

Modelling Year
Definition: Modelling year used by the model where the Model Initialisation year matches year 0
Example: 6

Definition: The sectionID of the current segment
Example: 1234

Definition: The area name of the current segment as imported in the Forward Works Programme
Example: area123

Definition: The area group name to which the current segment belongs
Example: group123

Definition: The lane code for the current segment
Example: L1

Start Location
Definition: The start location for the current segment, in metres
Example: 2000

End Location
Definition: The end location for the current segment, in metres
Example: 3000

Current Year
Definition: The current actual year to which the modelling year maps
Example: 2018

Definition: The number of lanes on the current segment. Note: Only valid if defined lane segments are used
Example: 2

Definition: The lane width for this segment. Note: Only valid if defined lane segments are used
Example: 3.7

Definition: The shoulder width on this segment. Note: Only valid if defined lane segments are used
Example: 1.2

Definition: A flag to indicate if this lane segment is active in the model, as determined by year_Open and year_Closed in the lane segments file. Note: Only valid if defined lane segments are used
Example: TRUE

Years Since Treatment:
Definition: The number of years since last treatment, based on committed or assigned treatments in the FWP
Example: 1

Years to Next Treatment:
Definition: The number of years until the next treatment, based on committed or assigned treatments in the FWP
Example: 12

Next Treatment:
Definition: The next treatment assigned to the current segment, based on committed or assigned treatments in the FWP
Example: REHAB

Previous Treatment:
Definition: The previous treatment assigned to the current segment, based on committed or assigned treatments in the FWP
Example: SEAL

MESA in this Year:
Definition: Millions of Equivalent Standard Axles (MESA) on the current segment in the current modelling year. Note: Only valid when using Traffic Modelling with a valid traffic model setup.
Example: 1.2

MESA over Design Period:
Definition: Design traffic, in MESA, on the current segment in the current modelling year, based on the Rehab Design Period parameter specified on the General sheet. Note: Only valid when using Traffic Modelling with a valid traffic model setup.
Example: 18.7

Remaining Life:
Definition: Calculated remaining life, in YEARS, based on the Structural Capacity and modelled traffic demand. Note: As with the above two placeholders, this value will only be valid when using Traffic Modelling and with a valid model parameter specified for the Structural Capacity Parameter in the Traffic Setup sheet.
Example: 5.7

Note: You can enter values into the placeholder cells to test your increments or trigger equations, however the values will be overwritten during the model run.

edited by philip on 1/13/2017
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