This topic covers all elements related to the Forecast View. Model specific topics will be dealt with in other forums
Edit FWP Treatment Information in Forecast View
Philip van der Wel Administrator Posts: 145
Philip van der WelAdministrator Posts: 145
When updating or adding a treatment to your Forward Works Programmed (FWP) in the Forecast View, you will often need to also update the information associated with the treatment length (i.e. the info_ columns in your FWP). The Treatment Information feature in the Forecast View accommodates for this need by giving you the ability to both view and edit the information.
To access the Treatment Information, highlight a treatment length and click on the i icon in the toolbar. To edit one of the fields, simply click in the field and type in your new value. To save the change, click in another field. Note, where your info_ column headers end in the word Date, the format dd-MMM-yyyy is required (e.g. 03-Apr-2016).
Refer to this link for details on how the information in your FWP can be viewed in the Forecast View, or here for an overview of the various features available in the Forecast View. edited by philip on 11/9/2016